Saturday, May 15, 2010

Office Block

The University of Namibia (UNAM) has embarked on the construction of fifty offices for academic staff at a cost of eight million Namibian dollars.
UNAM Assistant Director for Physical Planning Gordon McGregory said the office blocks were being built from the university’s own funds.
‘’The university has sourced its own funds in order to construct some more offices for its academic staff,’’said Gregory.
McGregory said UNAM had been hit with a severe shortage of office accommodation which had prompted the university to source for funds to erect an office block within the university premises near the staff cafeteria and next to the grab.
‘’The state of office accommodation for academic staff is very severe and as such the university has taken a step in trying to rectify the situation at hand,’’said McGregory.
He explained that the cost of building the offices were slightly lower because the construction works were being done over already existing infrastructure which already had telephones, electricity and water.
McGregory noted that if the construction works were started without existing infrastructure, it would have cost the university double the amount that they are going to spend on the current construction work which was currently still going on.

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